BodyTalk Access is a one-day workshop that will teach you five kick-ass ways to get and stay healthy.

With the BodyTalk Access protocol in hand, you’ll know how to:

  • revitalize your brain function

  • regulate your stress levels

  • stay hydrated

  • keep your immune system tip-top

  • and keep your joints and muscles resilient

Once you’ve learned the Access protocol, you’ll be able to use these moves to help other people, too. When your kid falls while skateboarding—Access. When your partner is coming down with the flu—Access. When your friend has a migraine—Access.

You’ll also learn a Fast Aid protocol that you can use in emergencies. Call 911, then put your invaluable skills to work!

If you work with clients as a bodywork practitioner or therapist, you can add BodyTalk Access into your repertoire. And if you need CEs for your Washington State massage requirements, this class will give you 8 CEs of live learning.

And! You’ll get a taste of how the BodyTalk System works as a whole, and how to continue learning more if it’s your thing.

This is a fun, lively workshop with lots of hands-on action. It’s a healing, empowering, uplifting day.

This isn’t just a class. It’s an event.

upcoming dates:

Saturday, April 20, 9-5p in Londonderry NH

Sunday, May 19, 9-5 in Ellensburg WA

$200 for new students, $80 to repeat (if you’ve ever taken BodyTalk Access from any instructor, that’s you!)